At our Skills Centre, Building Futures champions choice by recognizing the many abilities and diverse interests of our participants. 

Individuals can choose how they engage at Building Futures in opportunities that promote independence and personal growth. The interests and abilities of our participants can be expressed through:

woman working at a table

Supported Employment 

Sourced, supported, minimum-wage employment in our social enterprises. 

three people at workshop about self advocacy


This program is tailored to participants who may or not be interested in employment and would like to work on other skills outside of working. This includes life skills workshops, leisure exploration, guest speakers, educational outings, community volunteering and more.

Community Navigation

Personalized support and guidance for participants interested in accessing and navigating various resources, employment possibilities, volunteer roles in our local community. Community Navigators also facilitate opportunities for the community to engage with Building Futures. 

Building Futures has been critical in nurturing and developing our son’s life skills by promoting independence, teaching responsibility, social skills and problem solving while taking into consideration his individuality. So grateful we found this fantastic client centered organization with a dedicated team!
- Roger & Lisa Fitzgerald, Parents of Ryan